Student Empowerment Unit Home

Our Mission

Empower scholars by amplifying their voices, cultivating their leadership acumen, and equipping them with the competencies to emerge as transformative young leaders while fostering a mindset of lifelong, self-directed learning.

Our Vision

Promote the development of student leadership, empowerment, and agency to advance academic excellence and support mental health and well-being. Amplify student voices by offering diverse leadership opportunities and fostering collaboration with District and community leaders while providing safe, inclusive, and respectful spaces that celebrate and honor diversity.
Student Bill of Rights


Respect and Dignity
Universal Access
Access and Equity
Civic Participation
Influence Decisions
Diversity and Inclusivity
Due Process
Free Expression
Counseling and Guidance
Positive School Climate
College and Career Readiness
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Anely Cortez Lopez

Student Board Member

Anely Cortez Lopez is a first-generation Latina from Gardena High School and Linked Learning's Student of the Year. Focused on promoting health and educational equity, she believes every student deserves to thrive in college, career, and life. As President of the Medical Services Student Council, Key Club, and Youth Advisor for the Department of Public Health, she has collaborated with the 2nd District LA County Supervisor's Office to work towards student and family wellness. From the burning desire to improve college and career readiness and healthcare access to supporting undocumented immigrants and English Learners, she continues her advocacy as the 2024-2025 Student Board Member. Her multicultural background - speaking English, Spanish, and the indigenous Oaxacan language, Chinanteco - aims to connect diverse communities and bridge linguistic gaps. She lives by the Dolores Huerta quote, "Si se puede."


Superintendent's Student Advisory Council

The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC) meets with Superintendent and District staff to advise, provide feedback and present viable solutions from the students’ perspective on District initiatives and programs. The SSAC also acts as the advisory council to the Student Board Member. The council is seeking to add high school sophomores, juniors and seniors

Other Student Advisory Councils:

Board District 1 Student Advisory Council
Board District 2 Student Advisory Council
International Relations Student Advisory Council (coming soon)
Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council

Student Conferences

For over a decade, the Student Empowerment Unit has offered student leadership conferences to empower youth by connecting them with inspiring leaders and role models from diverse fields. These influential figures share valuable insights, proven strategies, and actionable guidance to help youth navigate educational systems, professional pathways, and societal structures successfully.
Education Empowered!

Education Empowered! Podcast

The Student Empowerment Unit is proud to present the Education Empowered! podcast, created by students for students. Our goal is to amplify the voices of LA Unified students and empower youth with information, practical tips, and guidance on important topics. We will keep students informed of District updates and highlight students making significant contributions to our district community. 

News & Announcements

Contact Info

Dr. Lorena Franco
Director of Student Involvement, Empowerment, and Development